Saturday, April 18, 2009

Here we go again

Ive noticed that over the last few days, there has been a huge spike in hits for this blog....


Im so happy right now, and glad that after 9 months of on and off posting, its finally taken off.
Lets continue this trend, because i swear that im now to thrilled to let it die again... so, do me a solid and tell the world of this blog, so it can get enough hits, be featured and become massivly popular, then ill advertise and make a little money off this shindig...
there you have it, thats my plan. A little far fetched i know, but at this rate, it should work... possibly...
probably not...

Along with the increase in hits, there has also been a bit of an extra effort on my part, i have posted 3 times this week, thats got to be some kind of world record.
I mean, im doing this completely pro bono.
Well I better stop it with the self flattery, ill get started now

I really only wrote this short post here to thank all the new viewers for scoping me out... If you enjoy the blogoshpere, check out some of my friends blogs

those are all great blogs made by school friends of mine, all with some cool things to say.
anyway, once again, this post was really only to thank you and i guess its a bit of a welcome home gift for my biggest (i hesitate to say) fans, who have been at cadets
Keep reading tPoP and spread the word, but keep it quiet