Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Change of Heart

over the last week or so, I have been reading other peoples blogs, getting a feel of the "competition" so to speak.
Mostly I've liked what I have read, allthough its completely changed my perception of what a "Blog" is.
let me explain... Throughout my travels on the inter-highway and on the blogosphere (now theres a metaphor or two) I've realised that People use blogs for so many different reasons.
Whether its to bitch, or to use some "cyberspace" to make a funny or two, or trying to make something deep and philosphical. Its made me stop and think about what I am doing.
Am i bitching?
I do seem to complain alot.
Am I making Funnies?
I've been known to....
Am I being deep, douchy and philosophical?
Once again, I try to touch on some of that stuff occasionly

After thinking about this for a good couple of days, I have come to the (modest) conclusion that my blog does all of that, that I am attempting to do everything.
If you read every post I have made over the last year or so. My tone, subject matter, everything has changed. Its my way of constantly trying to find the winning formula.
Looking at recent viewings and comments, i think i have finally found it with my "Back to my Roots" post.
I look forward to doing more posts in that style in the future.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Here we go again

Ive noticed that over the last few days, there has been a huge spike in hits for this blog....


Im so happy right now, and glad that after 9 months of on and off posting, its finally taken off.
Lets continue this trend, because i swear that im now to thrilled to let it die again... so, do me a solid and tell the world of this blog, so it can get enough hits, be featured and become massivly popular, then ill advertise and make a little money off this shindig...
there you have it, thats my plan. A little far fetched i know, but at this rate, it should work... possibly...
probably not...

Along with the increase in hits, there has also been a bit of an extra effort on my part, i have posted 3 times this week, thats got to be some kind of world record.
I mean, im doing this completely pro bono.
Well I better stop it with the self flattery, ill get started now

I really only wrote this short post here to thank all the new viewers for scoping me out... If you enjoy the blogoshpere, check out some of my friends blogs

those are all great blogs made by school friends of mine, all with some cool things to say.
anyway, once again, this post was really only to thank you and i guess its a bit of a welcome home gift for my biggest (i hesitate to say) fans, who have been at cadets
Keep reading tPoP and spread the word, but keep it quiet

Friday, April 17, 2009

back to my roots: its thinking time

As I sit here on my kitchen bench, eating my cereal and watching my parents as they do their same old morning routine. I start to notice things about them, and their daily routines and lifestyles.
Currently, they are both sitting at opposite ends of a table, drinking their own completely seperate coffees, reading their own seperate newspapers, and reading their own seperate email inboxes. They occasionally pause to show the other something that they might have read, or something that a friend of theirs has sent them.
I begin to realise that I have many vivid images and memories of them doing exactly this.
this is because they do it every saturday, and have for as long as I can remember. They must enjoy this, because they sub consiously end up doing it, even when we are out of town, or at someone elses house.
While watching them go about this "routine" of theirs, I realise that these two people right in front of me, are completely content at the moment, forgetting all their troubles as they ironically read about the problems of others in an article titled "Rot in Hell, Rudd tells people smugglers"

Allthough i have a lot of quarrels with my parents, one thing I have always admired is their sence of contentness for their dreary middle class lives.
This is where the scene I have painted has some relevence in my subject matter, the video games industry.
This is an Industry that is always pushing for greater things,for great technological achievements. But by doing this, as i have come to realise, they are failing to acomplish what they first set out to do, to entertain.
As games get more and more mainstream and the "quality" apparently goes up, all money is spent on marketing, and updating hardware. And all those who (in the words of Jarett Cale) "Play Games for Game-play" are left with a below adverage piece of dribble that happens to look shiny and polished.
This is all I have time for, so I wont elaborate too much, but think about the kind of games that would be released these days if the games industry were more like my parents, content with what they have.
Would our games stay as good as the ones released in the great N64 days, or would games just be the dribble we have today... without the polishing?

Monday, April 13, 2009

im a quitter, im a blogger, im not a real jogger

HA, here I am again, with a bang... again. (of course refering to my hilarious title)

Today Im feeling really alone because everyone I know is at a freaking cadet camp... even the girls! (i know right?)

so Im doing what every reasonable person does at a time of desperation when they just need to feel loved... HITTIN THE INTERNET!

I Find myself in this pickle because I'm a quitter, i quit cadets so now Im stuck at home, it may seem like maybe I should have continued cadets from this last statement but you have to realise.... I'm very lazy

This is actually starting to affect (effect? whats the difference?) me in a very detrimental fashion.

I'm finding that I no longer have the energy to do alot of the things i used to, for example, i haven't read in ages! Whereas i used to read like a book a day. All that cod4 has finally done it, I have lost my attention span. Im pretty sure thats a bad thing, yet i dont really care as much as you think i might. Does this mean that I am so lazy, that i no longer care that I am lazy, i sure hope so, because caring would be a major buzz kill.

thats actually the same reason why i dont post, my laziness.
However i have recently had the ephifany that it truly is quality over quantity, and that I really dont have to push for a deadline or anything like that... however i dont really have the quality either.
So pretty much my 1, no wait... 2 fans are screwed