Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lets face it. I'm not great with titles

Well hey there chiiiiiildren!

Its time for your old friend Sean to hit you with some solid knowledge.
About 6 months ago, its spoke to you cats about yours truly maybe writing some game reviews on this site in my spare time.
Well at the moment, my time is pretty spare so i decided to stay true to my promise and give you a view from the top of the leaderboards, down at the games that made me great. Dont worry, im just kidding, I can possibly be that arrogant... Can I?
Those of you who know me best know that I aspire to be a games journo. Now this is a dream I've had for some time, and it makes me sick, when people assume I only want to do this so i can play games. To those sorry excuses for human beings, you could not be further from the truth!
This is something that I want to do because what journalists do, essentially is relay their opinions, and since that is something I love doing, and most of my opinions are about the games of video, this is an obvious carrer path for me.. right?
Well, Its time for me to start with the games... this week, fallout 3!

What First drew me towards Fallout 3 was the small logo on the bottom right hand side of the case that reads "Bethesda Studios"
This of course, made me froth at the mouth and I instantly coughed up the nessesary $100 and bought the bad boy. allright, Im not going to say that's the only reason I bought it. The numerous "Game of the Year" awards helped a little. But lets not dwell on that, the important part was that it was made by the creators of Oblivion, and trying a gamemade by those masterminds was definately worth $100, to me anyway...
once I Put the game in my Xbox, I was gobsmacked as my newly created character was litereally shot out of a uterus! Not even kidding! what an amazing way to start a game, I was almost ready to eject the game, put it on my wall and frame it for the ages.
but no... I had to close my gaping mouth and keep playing, what followed were your standard character creation tools(brilliantly presented of course), name selector, and all that stuff.
Once that had finished, the game shot forward in time a few years and learning to move in the game was like taking your first steps IRL.... These people are geniuses!
Enough about the start of the game, lets talk aboot the game play, i know as a review, i should be trying my hardest to use lots of big words and shooting off long sentences that can be summed up in one word, but I'm going to skip the middle man and just sum it up in one word:

FUCKING AWESOME (thats one word and anyone who disagrees is the anti-christ)

It could be my laziness and that could have something to do with the fact that I'm not getting paid for this. But writing alot about it just seems unnecesary, just take my (one) word for it and accept that even though the V.A.T.S body part targeting system is different to what you are used to... It has never ceased to bow my mind, and I'm sure it will blow your mind also.

The world that Bethesda has created is so brilliant, and so real, it is impossible to not get immersed in the post apocalyptic world that has been made with such care and detail that it is honestly, very difficult to find a flaw in. (trust me, I tried)
The People have realistic reactions, the enemies have perfect levels of difficulty, the quests have been consruced so that the player always cares about the story...
No matter what you want in a game, action, story, time waster, amazing graphics, total immersion, whatever... Fallout 3 has you covered, a must buy for anybody... anywhere.

Well, there you have it, the first proper tPoP (the pains of pwnage, also makes a great acronym, whod a thunk it?) Review, hope you enjoy, and depending on the feedback, expect to see more of them, maybe next time I wont do a game I adore.

As for music time, I havent been really listening to much lately, so really just refer to the last 2. I wll say one thing however, If your over 18 and reading this + live in sydney, go to V fest.. you've got The Killers, The Kaiser Chiefs, whats not to love. I only say this because I cant go... do it for me =(

PS. My one beef with fallout 3, why cant i play after the credits? I had to start a new game... sucks

Have a good one, Strykun, out