Wednesday, August 13, 2008


hey there!

once again, im sorry.... wow, i say that alot dont I

I have had a lot of complaints lately about the quality of my blog posts, so I guess this post is to say, FUCK OFF!!!

WTF, who do u think u are paying out my blog, especially u jack, it great to c that you have the ego to insult some1 elses blog when urs suxs epic shit, lets have a looksie at urs shall we...

I think ill right the rest of this blog so its liek urs...

hey baddgramma badgramma crappy joke crappyjoke nouseofpunctuationunctuation...
tahts all I got... shutup

neway, I feel that I should write about something important going on in society, so here it is...
My purchase of Gears of war...
last saturday, I bought Gears of War, it was a wonderful, magical moment, and the memory of Marc taking the final copy will haunt me forever, but its OK, i wnt 2 JB, and they were out o stock, so i went 2 DJ's, and it was $100 there, no way was I going 2 pay that much. So, in the end, I got a catalouge from JB, then took it 2 DJ's and bought it 4 $44.

ok, ok, it has been a slow week or too, but is not liek there is all that much 2 do neway.


Jak said... read the newest one and you will be blown away by the amount of trouble i put into my comeback

Jak said...

AND this ones from trffin
Punctuation eh?
Looks like you've just flung comma's left right and center. No sentence structure or competent spelling whatsoever.

I just looked at Jack's blog and surprisingly enough (seriously)it had full stops AND commas.

From someone much more Greek than you will ever be.