Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Post a Month or so Keeps the Doctor... Uncomfortable?

Heres a post you can stick in your pipe and smoke it.
A list, of everything on my mind, no order, no sense... just a list...

This is something I've been thinking about alot recently:
Which is better? A painful optimism or a crushing doubt or realisation?

Whats the point of playing online when often it brings mere frustation and self depreciation.
Even when winning...

Why do some school subjects attempt to judge opinions.

Why do some people feel that an addequite response in an argument is "Its just my opinion", we all know that. The whole idea of an arguement is that its a difference of opinion.

Why do I enjoy facebook when all it is is a long list of things people have done recently?

Who's job is it in a film to create the sound track?

Was it a lazy person who came up with the idea of a "a good nights sleep" before a important event?

Why arent suits worn more by the youth?

Why do people find the need to say a situation is awkward even when they know its just going to make it even more awkward?

Am I spelling awkward correctly?

Am I spellin colloquialism correctly?

Why does my camera make the world ugly?

Why am I writing this list?

Why am I writing this blog?

Why is the keyboard shaped the way it is? Just so we could call it Qwerty?

Why dont I do this more often?


Jack D'Arcy said...

The music supervisor works with the director to decide what songs go into a film, making the soundtrack. I assume you mean that and not the score (no doubt written by a composer).

-> Karan said...

Why is the keyboard shaped the way it is? Just so we could call it Qwerty?

- Actually it was made first and then called qwerty because of the keys and they had no other name for it.

Why do I enjoy facebook when all it is is a long list of things people have done recently?

-Because you're a dirty pedo like the other millions of FB users